Help German learners & make friends

Questions & Answers

Questions? You'll find the answers here. 

The benefits of using Little World

It is vital for the successful integration of people arriving to Germany to learn the German language. But many refugees and newcomers often don't have the opportunity. Little World makes this easier. As a n online platform we can connect even the most isolated individuals, thus ensuring greater social participation and equal opportunities.


Mostly no. For people from the wealthiest countries, this is a good option - because their native languages are learned: French, English, German... However, around 95% of people who come to Germany have languages that are rarely learned in this country: Hindi, Ukrainian, Amharic. A language tandem is not possible for these people. Little World offers a good alternative. Because there are no obligations here, just the motivation to participate.

We recommend them too! But such free courses sometimes have waiting times of more than a year - or are very expensive for immigrants if they pay for it themselves. Above all, they lack one thing: practice. Speaking German, especially with native speakers. Welcome to Little World!


Can anyone join Little World?

Yes! 🙃 For each and everyone, forever!

Absolutely! Create your account in a few minutes, choose your interests and we'll find a suitable conversation partner for you!

Yes! Little World is there to practice speaking German. So speaking German is the best approach 😉

Dann gibt es immer noch das Thema Wetter. Oder Pinguine. Oder Pizza. Und wenn ihr auch damit durch seid, haben wir auf der Plattform einige Hilfsmittel vorbereitet, die euch beim Gespräch unterstützen – probiere es gleich mal aus!

Little World is a web app. That's why you don't have to download an app from the App Store; you can get started directly in your internet browser. We are working on an app behind the scenes, stay tuned!
But there will also be an app soon!

How much time is required?

Little World bietet ein Ehrenamt an, das genau in deinen Alltag passt. Denn du wählst selbst, wie und wann du kannst. Selbst 30 Minuten pro Woche können eine große Hilfe für andere sein.

Of course. We all have appointments and commitments in our lives. If it doesn't fit, you can of course skip the appointment. Time-wise, you are and always will be flexible.

How sustainable is Little World?

Keine Sorge, ihr verliert eure Gesprächspartner:in nicht, wenn ihr die 10 Gespräche abgeschlossen habt. Ihr könnt gemeinsam entscheiden, wie es weitergeht. Wenn ihr in Kontakt bleiben möchtet, verabredet einfach weitere Termine.

Falls ihr entscheidet, dass ihr eure Gespräche beenden möchtet oder wenn du mehr Zeit bei Little World verbringen möchtest, kannst du jederzeit einen neuen Gesprächspartner oder eine neue Gesprächspartnerin suchen. Klicke einfach auf “+ Neue Partner suchen” in der Plattform. Wir bemühen uns, dich mit einer passenden Person zu verbinden. Sollte es einmal nicht ganz passen, ist das kein Problem – wir finden gerne neue nette Gesprächspartner für dich!

So far we are financed by our own funds and by small grants. In the medium term, we would like to have Little World supported by local authorities and the federal government - because we too can't live on air alone. We would like to continue to offer free participation to everyone, with a special focus on socially disadvantaged people and refugees.


Recommend us to others, follow us on social media or get involved in the team. There are opportunities for everyone. For example, coordinate our participants, write texts with us or put up posters in your city. You are also welcome to contribute your professional skills and expertise!

If you are interested, simply write to us at Or use our Contact form. We'll then find a way together!


Help and Privacy

Data protection and transparency are important to us. That's why we have disclosed all the details. You can find all the information in our Data protection regulation.

Ja. In unserer Webapp erscheint nur dein Profil – und das sehen auch nur deine Matches. Persönliche Daten (wie Email-Adresse) sind nur unserem Team bekannt und werden nicht rausgegeben. Alle Details stehen in deinem User Form, auf das du jederzeit Zugriff hast und bei Bedarf checken kannst.

Oops, if you have any technical problems, please contact our support team and we will take care of it immediately! Simply use our Contact form.

Annoying! Because Little World is so new, some email providers are not yet letting our registration email through. If you have technical problems with your login or registration, please contact us immediately and we will help you. You can reach our support team at any time via our Contact form

Your question is not listed?

Then help us to improve the questions & answers and tell us your question at or use the contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible and add it here.

Mit lieben Grüßen aus ganz Deutschland

Team Little World