Your donation will be quintupled!
Help us connect 25,000 people to improve there German and create a more integrated society.
With Little World, we have created a digital platform where German learners and volunteer native speakers can get in touch and exchange ideas easily and free of charge. Your donation will help make this possible and improve Little World's services. This year, every donation will be quintupled by our sponsor, the German TV lottery. We need to collect enough for this to make it happen!
Deine Spende kannst Du uns auch gerne über den Zahlungsdienstleister PayPal zukommen lassen – auch ohne Anmeldung, ganz einfach per Kreditkarte.
What we've already achieved
And what we need your help for:
Little World is a project that is truly close to our hearts. For two years, we as founders worked full-time on the implementation of our app and the development of the community on a voluntary basis. Since then, our team has grown to almost 20 people, mostly volunteers, and more than 2,500 people have registered on the platform. But this is just the beginning.
Our Goal:
25,000 users by 2025
With every donation, we can make Little World a little better and help more people. And best of all:
You can help us
Five times more than before!
Jeder gespendete Euro, den wir bis Ende 2024 erhalten, ermöglicht uns weitere vier Euro im Rahmen der Förderung der Deutschen Fernsehlotterie zu nutzen.
Contact person
Please send us your request by e-mail:
Donation information
Questions and answers about your donation
Little World is a project close to our hearts: as founders, we have been working full-time on a voluntary basis for more than 14 months. During this time, we have invested our private savings in the project. Why? We are driven by our passion and belief in greater social cohesion. Equal opportunities and a welcoming culture are our goal - also based on our own experiences. From Mexico to China, Japan and France: we ourselves have lived in a country where we still had to learn the language and culture.
We are committed to making it easier for immigrants to integrate in Germany. Your donation will fully benefit the Little World charitable project. Your charitable donation for refugee aid will help us to reach more people and expand Little World to include other important areas. In this way, we can enable more people to participate in society. Our team is full of ideas!
Yes, your donation is tax deductible.
For donations of €300 or more, we will automatically issue a donation receipt as you are supporting a charitable cause. In this case, please be sure to include your name and address in the purpose of the donation. If you would like to receive your donation receipt digitally, please include your e-mail address.
We are also happy to issue a donation receipt for smaller amounts on request. Up to amounts of 300 euros, however, a so-called simplified donation receipt is sufficient for the tax office. A copy of the bank transfer slip or bank statement can be enclosed for this purpose.
You will receive your donation receipt for each amount automatically via BetterPlace.
We are also happy to issue a donation receipt for smaller amounts on request. Up to amounts of 300 euros, however, a so-called simplified donation receipt is sufficient for the tax office. A copy of the bank transfer slip or bank statement can be enclosed for this purpose.
We take data protection very seriously in our projects. Of course, this also applies to your donation. We do not pass on your data to third parties, but use it exclusively in the context of your donation to Little World. They are transmitted via a secure, encrypted internet connection (SSL).
Little Stories
Online connections, real world impact
Lasse ― Sprachpate
Lasse aus Aachen entschied sich, durch sein Engagement bei Little World, Menschen dabei zu helfen, die deutsche Sprache zu erlernen und damit das Gefühl der Verlorenheit in einem fremden Land zu vermeiden, indem er wöchentlich mit Mahsum über Politik und Deutsch spricht.
Discover moreGeeske ― Sprachpatin
Geeske fand auf Little World die Möglichkeit, sich zeitlich flexibel einzubringen und knüpfte so eine besondere Freundschaft mit Nisan. Geeske hofft, dass mehr Menschen von dieser einfachen und bereichernden Form des Engagements profitieren können.
Discover moreMona ― Volunteer
Mona engagiert sich ehrenamtlich als Volunteer bei Little World. Die Motion Designerin hat für uns ein Erklärvideo erstellt.
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